Term & Conditions


DealerBanao.com is a online dealer search platform for business owners, it is the no -1 Platform to search dealers & distributors actual Prospects as per the Business. It is a unique platform for the business owners to find their business dealers

and distributors.

DealerBanao.com charge fee for their services for their features.

Dealer Banao.com helps as a support system to the business man in their business.

It is a excellent way to promote Business owners their brand in dealerbanao.com platform

Dealerbanao.com promotes manufacturer products in dealerbanao.com site through listing categories and provide them actual Prospects of dealer & distributors.

Second Party

Party here means manufacturers / fmcg / industry / client who comes to dealerbanao.com to get actual Prospects of dealer& distributors.

Third party

Third Party term shall here mean dealers & distributors.

Dealer and distributors / franchise partners who wants to spend their investments in new business opportunities.


Payment shall be accepted in the Pooja Movie Creations account which is a affiliate company to Dealerbanao.com

Prospects Data

Prospects data shall here mean the dealer / distributors / franchise partners / investors data

Virtual Meets

Virtual meet shall only mean the video meets with the clients & dealers’ distributors. Dealerbanao.com shall never claim for deal closes on virtual meets.

Neither shall commits or force for any dealer distributors to deal. dealerbanao.com only is a mediator or a breeze between client & dealers’ distributors.

Dealerbanao.com only provide genuine Prospects of dealer & distributors to clients

Virtual meet shall be planned with the business owner or representatives on their respective place with the dealers & distributors.

Dealerbano.com shall have no responsibility if deal not matured by the client by any of the personal reasons of the client or the dealer distributors .


DealerBanao.com never claims to provide dealers & distributors they provide Prospects of dealers who looking for new business opportunities.

Payment will not be refundable.

Client cannot change the plan after payment. It can be upgraded.

Dealer banao.com never force to manufacturers neither dealer to buy products or to deal.

All the deals shall be done by the client himself / client here means the manufacturers who looks for dealers & distributors, they themselves has to deal with the dealers & distributors on their terms.

Dealerbanao.com have no concern with the conversion from the Prospects. Neither concern by the party for closers

Dealaerbanao.com never force dealers & distributors to buy or to deal with any manufacturer personally. Dealerbanao.com is only a platform to showcase the manufacturer products we never claim any product best or never challenge, if any grievances or allegation comes on any brand dealerbanao.com not responsible.

All the Prospects / network which shall be used for manufacturer, here manufacturer shall mean client they will get only actual

Prospects , dealerbanao.com shall personally not convert them. Dealerbanao.com never commits for dealer & distributors conversion ratio

If dealer distributor do any fraud , deceit , misrepresent or loss damage to the client by any of the reason ,

dealerbanao.com shall not be responsible .

If dealer or distributors invest their money in any Party business which is shown on the dealerbanao.com platform, if by any chance if the manufacturing unit / fmcg company / industry /become insolvent or do any deceit / damage to any other person or party with the person then dealerbanao.com shall not be responsible for any circumstances.

Dealerbanao.com is only a advertisement platform to showcase the business and products. dealerbanao.com do not verified clients personally and do not verify the client’s mode of the business

Dealerbanao.com shall not take party guarantee.

All the deals which is been done on the behalf of dealerbanao.com to the client side or dealers distributors sides it is been

verified by party themselves , dealerbanao shall not take party guarantee if any loss occur in future or any damage / deceit been done by the party in the past / future , then dealerbanao.com shall not be responsible . it is the responsibility of the party to check party record personally.

Dealerbanao.com only introduce the party to the other party. dealerbanao never takes party guarantee. Dealerbanao.com shall only accept the party registration on the platform once the payment been received in the account.

As it is a moderate business dealerbanao.com shall have right to change the terms & conditions any time in their business. Dealerbanao.com shall have right to change the business plan and Fees anytime as per the company .

If any party gives their movable product to the other party which here means dealer or distributor on credit then dealerbanao shall have no liability & responsibility, each Party ( here means dealer / distributors and client manufacturer / fmcg company / industry ) themselves shall be responsible for their own mutual agreed terms and risks.

No Benefits From Client Data

Dealerbanao.com is a Promotional site for clients.

Dealerbanao.com list party clients data / images / paid or free listing with good intentions only to promote their brand in dealer & distributors network .

Prospects mechanism

Actual Prospects term shall mean here the dealers & distributors who show interest in Dealership & distributorships or becoming franchise partner.


Party here means clients / fmcg companies / industries / manufacturers / dealers / distributors Franchise Partners

Intellectual Property

Dealerbanao.com is a Trademark Property all the rights own by the Dealerbanao.com

Copy Right

Dealerbanao.com all the ads concept has copy right which own by the dealerbanao.com

Damage / Loss

Dealerbanao.com shall not be responsible for any damage / any type of loss / misconduct / fraud / misrepresentation / by the Prospects or the dealers’ queries.

Dealerbanao.com shall not be responsible if any manufacturer misrepresents to the customers

In case If manufacturer do fraud / loss , deceit with the dealers & distributors then dealerbanao.com shall not be responsible

If dealers & distributors do fraud / loss , deceit with manufacturer in this circumstances dealerbanao.com shall not be responsible


Dealerbanao.com shall not responsible for any indemnity, as all the business deal shall be done by the parties themselves on their agreed terms & risks.

Payment Plans

DealerBanao.com deals in flexi payment plans.

All the Payment Plans shall be done in the Parental company of dealerbanao.com which is Pooja Movie Creations account


Dealerbanao.com never claims for dealer direct sales or credit deals.

Dealerbanao.com shall only provide dealer data / Prospects to the business owners which related with their business. Dealerbanao.com does not demand commission.

Dealerbanao.com shall have their own identity and data / Prospects.


All the disputes shall be seen by the arbitration by the federal court in Noida Gautam Budh Nagar.

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