Birla A1 Dolphin

Birla A1 Dolphin
    • Leakage/Dampness-Proof
      Birla A1 Dolphin Cement prevents water from infiltrating into the cement and prevents leaks from occurring.
    • Superior Corrosion Protection
      Dolphin’s lower permeability slows down the infiltration of water and air into the concrete. Protecting steel bars from rusting when compared to regular cement.
    • Sulfate Attack Resistant
      Birla A1 Dolphin Cement prevents the ingress of sulfates from agricultural fertilizers and industrial water pollution. This seeps through cracks and crevices, attacking the concrete and breaking it down, leading to expansion and cracking.
    • Low Maintenance cost
      Birla A1 Dolphin Cement structures will be seepage-free, preventing cracking and chipping. Thereby saving on painting and other maintenance costs.
    • Anti-Carbonation
      The carbonation of concrete results in the deterioration of reinforced concrete. Birla A1 Dolphin Cement contains a mineral admixture that reacts with calcium hydroxide to form CSH gel and acts as an Anti-Carbonation solution.
    • Less Water Consumption
      Curing is the process to control moisture loss during hydration of cement. Dolphin’s low water cement ratio ensures less water consumption for curing process. Entrapped water in the concrete shall self-cure.

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