Commercial RO

Commercial RO

Product Portfolio

We are one of the leading manufacturers, suppliers and service providers of a wide range of water purifier, fittings and associated accessories. Our product range includes Domestic RO Water PurifiersCommercial RO Water Purifiers, RO Cabinets and Industrial RO Water PurifiersAlong with this, we also offer Hot & Cold Water Dispensers with Inbuilt RO, Domestic Water Purifiers, RO Spare Parts & Accessories and Domestic RO Fittings. These are manufactured using high grade basic material such as ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), PP, and various other components, which help in removing harmful elements from water such as bacteria, virus, fungi and other micro-organisms.

Besides manufacturing, we also offer effective services to our clients for their convenience and thus maintain their trust. We offer installation, erection and maintenance services on our range of products.

Our range of products is appreciated for the following features:

  • Triple anti microbiological protection technologies
  • Water is purified with effective UV sterilization
  • Fully automatic operation with auto-start and auto off
  • Wall mounted & portable design with In-Built- Storage Tank
  • No loss of essential minerals
  • Led indicators for ease of use
  • Iron & arsenic remover

Advantages of Our Range of Products:

  • Removes hardness of water, bacteria, viruses, chemicals, pesticides, chlorine, color and other organic impurities
  • Reduces TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) such as Salt, Iron, Sodium, Calcium, Copper, Fluoride etc. up to safer levels
  • Controls water-borne diseases such as Dysentery, Jaundice, Gastric, Diarrhea, Typhoid, Indigestion, Stone & Constipation
  • Provides pure, tasty & real drinking water

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